Demoted to Extra: After the final season set her up as a major character, Huntress Wizard is once again demoted to a background character in the special, only appearing for two seconds during Con Wizard's song.Death of a Child: Played straight with Spader, who is reduced to a skeleton via the cult forcing him to drink Coconteppi's ichor.Caledonius urges Pepper Mint to "start the second age of terror", The Second Age of Terror being an event alluded to by Matthew back in " The Mountain". Pepper Mint crossing his eyes is a reference to " Death in Bloom", where Pep-But taught Finn and Jake to enter the underworld by doing just that.

Peppermint Butler's scrapbook has pictures of him golfing with Hunson (a reference to a Funny Background Event in " Return to the Nightosphere"), him on a couch with Death and Jake (possibly a reference to the opener of " Wake Up") and him hanging with a possessed Cinnamon Bun (a reference to " The Suitor").Coconteppi actually showed up earlier in the season 6 episode, " Gold Stars", as one of the monsters the Lich was alluding to.Brilliant, but Lazy: Cadebra is more interested in being a Stage Magician than a wizard, but when fighting against the Coconteppi-possessed Pepper Mint, she manages to use her magic to hit him in the stomach hard enough to make him vomit up the ichor.Breaking the Fourth Wall: Bufo instructs his students to stop with the walla in order to begin class.That said, he seems to at least have some morals. In any other story, the reveal would have happened once the Amnesiac Hero met the Evil Cult and learned their plans.

Pepper Mint might be Peppermint Butler having been essentially Brought Down to Normal with a Heel–Face Brainwashing, but he's fully aware of who he used to be.since his former self is capable of manifesting as a spirit he vomits up, and is pushing him to become him again in full.